Wednesday, 26 July 2017

Smart Irrigation Controllers and Its Need

There are plenty of irrigation controllers in the market you will come up with. But it is important for you to decide which one is the best one for you. When it comes to irrigation controllers, it is always advisable to get the smart irrigation controllers and the name is enough to understand what we are trying to say.

While raising any sort of gardens or even while raising a crop, you must make sure that you are using the right kind of resources. However, the most important part here is the use of water. There can be two things that can ruin a crop – too less water and too much water. It is quite essential to keep in mind that the amount of water that you use on your garden or irrigation system should be balanced.

When too less of water can be very dangerous for your garden, the same way, too much of water can ruin the garden too. However, over watering also hampers you in other ways by increasing your water bill or effecting your environment.

To address this issue, the concept of irrigation was developed. Irrigation helps in bringing water to the desirable location. But it suffers from a significant aspect. It can't decide itself as to whether water is needed more in one area than another.

However, in order to efficiently use water resources for your irrigation system, you not only need to monitor the amount of water that is used but also, the watering schedule of the crops. This aspect is a bit difficult to maintain as different plants need a different amount of water and you can't have a universal solution to fit all.

This is when you should start using the smart irrigation system. They are much better in keeping an eye on how much water you may need on a daily basis for your garden.

Most smart irrigation systems like normally closed rain sensors (ideal for irrigation controllers) have a sensor which allows them to determine whether or not to water the irrigation system or how much watering the particular landscape needs and so on.

There are a lot of benefits of using these smart irrigation systems. They provide you the best benefit of saving money on your water bills and being quite convenient. You don’t have to keep switching it on and off every now and then.

Wednesday, 5 July 2017

Smart Controllers and Why Is It Valuable

Think about a week where you have to be away from your house. And now think about the irrigation system you use. What is it? Is it the conventional one or the one that we call the smart irrigation controller? If it is the conventional one, then there is at least 80% chances where your garden might have been ruined completely by the time you get back home.

The conventional controllers were famous when there were no smart controllers. No one wanted to water their gardens with a pipe on their own and when the conventional controllers came into existence, people took a deep breath.

But then smart controllers like web-based irrigation controller, android based or cloud based irrigation controller came into existence and the conventional controllers started to go down. The conventional controllers do not exactly work like the smart ones. These don’t water your garden depending on the amount o water needed on your soil or it won’t stop watering your garden when it has to. But the smart ones are called smart for a reason.

The smart controllers use temperature, wind, rain, evapo-transpiration or ET, soil moisture, and the plant type, soil type, and slope in order to determine the amount of water needed in a particular landscape. This is why, when you use a smart controller, it helps you save a lot of water as well as a lot of water bill.

The smart controllers know exactly when to sprinkle your water and when not to. Take for example—you aren’t home for a few days and it has been raining. Your conventional sprinkler will keep watering your garden unless you switch it off; despite the fact that it has been raining. But, smart controllers always take a note of the weather and it won’t water your garden when it is raining or when it has already rained a few days back. The smart water sprinkler takes the weather into account before acting.

Unlike conventional controllers, the smart controllers don’t rely on the timing alone. When the weather and other factors change, it works differently according to that change. All you need to do is you need to keep your smart controller updated with the weather of your place, the soil moisture and other few conditions. You need to adjust these things on your controller and the sprinkler will do its magic.