Tuesday, 22 August 2017

Why Using Web-Based Controller Is a Good Idea

Taking care of your garden is one of the most important things in your daily life. Making sure your garden is getting the right amount of water and the right amount of care is very, very important for any gardeners out there. However, there are plenty of ways to make proper water arrangements for your garden and that is when the irrigation controllers come to your rescue.

Since the traditional controllers have already helped you a lot with its various uses, now it is time for the smart controllers to take over the job. The smart controllers are the new approach to water your garden and keep your garden fresh and healthy.

There are plenty of benefits of using smart controllers like web-based retic controllers. And there are plenty of reason why using these controllers is a good idea. These reasons are –

1.    Many homeowners do not adjust their irrigation schedules to match landscape water needs based on the season.

2.    No matter how efficient an irrigation controller's watering schedule is, it still does not take into account changing weather conditions – specifically evapotranspiration (ET) and rainfall. ET is the amount of water lost from the soil through evaporation plus the plant's water loss, both of which are dramatically affected by weather conditions.

3.    The smart controller uses up to 20% less water than the traditional ones which is indeed very important and beneficial for your water uses. They have an automated watering system, as well as the ability to shut off on its own whenever it rains, or when the soil moisture needs no more water. However, the best thing about the smart controller is that t automatically determines schedule based on the watering condition.

The system however, is a bit complicated one to explain yet it is simple enough to use and that's the beauty of it. You can use it without having to go through a complex procedure as the system itself makes it easier for the end users. Internally, the system sends the data, that was received from the sensors to a centrally based server which, using algorithms, makes an assessment of the water schedule and how much water is needed and when. This application then sends the signal to the appropriate receptors so that, management of water can be achieved.

There are a lot of other reasons why you should use the web-based controller. All you need now is to make a change.

Wednesday, 26 July 2017

Smart Irrigation Controllers and Its Need

There are plenty of irrigation controllers in the market you will come up with. But it is important for you to decide which one is the best one for you. When it comes to irrigation controllers, it is always advisable to get the smart irrigation controllers and the name is enough to understand what we are trying to say.

While raising any sort of gardens or even while raising a crop, you must make sure that you are using the right kind of resources. However, the most important part here is the use of water. There can be two things that can ruin a crop – too less water and too much water. It is quite essential to keep in mind that the amount of water that you use on your garden or irrigation system should be balanced.

When too less of water can be very dangerous for your garden, the same way, too much of water can ruin the garden too. However, over watering also hampers you in other ways by increasing your water bill or effecting your environment.

To address this issue, the concept of irrigation was developed. Irrigation helps in bringing water to the desirable location. But it suffers from a significant aspect. It can't decide itself as to whether water is needed more in one area than another.

However, in order to efficiently use water resources for your irrigation system, you not only need to monitor the amount of water that is used but also, the watering schedule of the crops. This aspect is a bit difficult to maintain as different plants need a different amount of water and you can't have a universal solution to fit all.

This is when you should start using the smart irrigation system. They are much better in keeping an eye on how much water you may need on a daily basis for your garden.

Most smart irrigation systems like normally closed rain sensors (ideal for irrigation controllers) have a sensor which allows them to determine whether or not to water the irrigation system or how much watering the particular landscape needs and so on.

There are a lot of benefits of using these smart irrigation systems. They provide you the best benefit of saving money on your water bills and being quite convenient. You don’t have to keep switching it on and off every now and then.

Wednesday, 5 July 2017

Smart Controllers and Why Is It Valuable

Think about a week where you have to be away from your house. And now think about the irrigation system you use. What is it? Is it the conventional one or the one that we call the smart irrigation controller? If it is the conventional one, then there is at least 80% chances where your garden might have been ruined completely by the time you get back home.

The conventional controllers were famous when there were no smart controllers. No one wanted to water their gardens with a pipe on their own and when the conventional controllers came into existence, people took a deep breath.

But then smart controllers like web-based irrigation controller, android based or cloud based irrigation controller came into existence and the conventional controllers started to go down. The conventional controllers do not exactly work like the smart ones. These don’t water your garden depending on the amount o water needed on your soil or it won’t stop watering your garden when it has to. But the smart ones are called smart for a reason.

The smart controllers use temperature, wind, rain, evapo-transpiration or ET, soil moisture, and the plant type, soil type, and slope in order to determine the amount of water needed in a particular landscape. This is why, when you use a smart controller, it helps you save a lot of water as well as a lot of water bill.

The smart controllers know exactly when to sprinkle your water and when not to. Take for example—you aren’t home for a few days and it has been raining. Your conventional sprinkler will keep watering your garden unless you switch it off; despite the fact that it has been raining. But, smart controllers always take a note of the weather and it won’t water your garden when it is raining or when it has already rained a few days back. The smart water sprinkler takes the weather into account before acting.

Unlike conventional controllers, the smart controllers don’t rely on the timing alone. When the weather and other factors change, it works differently according to that change. All you need to do is you need to keep your smart controller updated with the weather of your place, the soil moisture and other few conditions. You need to adjust these things on your controller and the sprinkler will do its magic.

Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Why You Should Choose Watermark Approved Check Valves

When you want to buy something for your irrigation system, say a valve or a water sprinkler, you must make sure that you are definitely looking for the watermark on the item. Watermark is a symbol of trust that the item or the product is a genuine one and it isn’t something that can be termed as – fake.

There can be plenty of times when you may have been through the trouble of a dysfunctional item. For example, if you have bought a valve and it doesn’t have a watermark on it, although it might look quite functional to you, it may not actually work that great. In the near future, it might actually turn out to be pretty upsetting and you may lose your money for no apparent reasons.

Using a watermark approved check valve or any other item can help you stay away from these kinds of troubles. They work perfectly fine and they also offer a great deal of warranty as well. The watermark actually ensures that the product is pretty genuine and it is a mark of originality. Any dysfunctional valves could damage the entire system to a greater extent that you might have to setup a new one.

When you use branded items or a watermark approved item, such as a valve, it works amazingly and that also effects on your irrigation system or your gardening system. The valves prevent the backflow of any liquid and allow passing through only one direction. This principle of a valve is crucial to the system. When there is a significant backflow that actually can hamper your entire system to a great extent and the cost of repairing is extremely stressful. But, this could only happen if you use non-watermark approved valves. When you use the proper watermark approved valves, these things don’t happen at all.

As the branded valves actually go through a lot of tests in order to ensure the quality of the product, they don’t really end up being a nightmare for you. They provide you a lot of benefits and you don’t even have to worry about wasting money on the repairing part and hence that explains the watermark.

The non-watermark approved valves are quite easy going and they don’t actually go through the intense tests to ensure the quality of the product. That means, the quality of the product isn’t good and so there is no watermarking on the item.

So while you are up to buy a valve, make sure you are smart enough to make a decision.

Thursday, 1 June 2017

Benefits Of Web Based Irrigation Controller

The irrigation controller is nowadays one of the most important aspects of gardening or farming. The controller controls the amount of water that is needed to be poured as it is required. Some controllers are efficient in what it does and some need manual attention. This is what differentiates between a basic irrigation controller and a smart irrigation control.

The basic irrigation controller needs manual attention. As it is just entry level controller, it doesn't give many benefits and it will work as it is instructed to regardless whether it was needed or not. That's why, in a case of a basic irrigation controller, you need to have a basic manual check so that the water irrigation is kept at the optimum level.

If no attention is given, then basic irrigation controller will do pretty harm than good. And it may also flood the field because it doesn't take any other aspect into consideration except what instructions it has been given.

The smart irrigation controller is different in this aspect. There are different types of smart irrigation controller such web based retic controller, WiFi controller etc. All these irrigation systems work in different principles yet they try to achieve the same goal. That is, to water the field properly.

Here's why web-based irrigation controller is better than the basic controller. These controllers take into account about various aspects before deciding when and what amount of water should be sprinkled. It serves two essential purposes.

First is water conservation. According to statistics, about 40% of sprinkled water goes into waste. That is a serious loss of water resource if you think about it overall. Smart irrigation controller such as web-based retic controller could prevent it smartly calculating how much water is needed. According to the input from various resources,  it makes calculations based upon that, and from there it makes decisions about how much water should be sprinkled.

For example of its a cloudy weather and rain is falling, the sprinkled water will let less water to come out as the rain water is more than enough to cover up. Thus lots of liters of water could be saved from this method.

Secondly, the web based controller also tries to see how much water which plant needs and based on the landscape, the frequency will vary from time to time.  Thus web based retic controller indeed helps in retaining water.

Wednesday, 10 May 2017

What Makes Smart Irrigation Controllers Better Than the Basic Ones

Everything is as smart as a human nowadays. People are searching for the newest and the most innovative technologies so as to make the gadgets more users friendly, more reliable and more convenient for all the people who want a better life style to be followed. The technologies that are in the process of making at the moment are smart because the world is becoming smarter. Smart is the new phone, smart is the new television, smart is the new watch, smart is the new car then so is the new irrigation controllers that are becoming the biggest boon in the irrigation sector throughout the world.

But before we go on and see the factors that make the smart irrigation controllers better than the basic ones, we need to know that both the terms i.e. smart irrigation controller and basic irrigation controller mean.

Well, in general terms, smart irrigation controllers adapt all the watering schedules and all the water run times in an automated system. This is to specify that all the watering techniques meet all the different yet specific landscape needs. And so far, these technologies have made an impact of being able to improve the outdoor water usage efficiencies.

And there are the basic ones that are also known as the traditional way of irrigation controls that were adapted in the past few years and also are used at the moment in some of the parts in the world. Even though there are two types of basic irrigation systems, namely electric and hydraulic, these techniques has a number of faults that make the landscape worsen its situation.

Smart irrigation controllers can be termed better than basic because-

•    The smart irrigation systems like WaterMe wireless irrigation controllers are automated and the watering systems are given at the timings that are already being commanded to them. Whereas the basic controllers needs to be hand held only.
•    The smart irrigation systems shut it off whenever it rains, but the basic system lacks this quality and sometimes drowns the landscape.
    One of the most important qualities that this smart system has is that, it automatically determines watering schedule based on the weather conditions. Whereas, the basic irrigation watering system cannot determine the weather and keeps on doing its work in heavy rainfalls too.
•    And by being smart in the irrigation field, these systems even help the environment to save 20% of water than compared to the basic irrigation control systems.

Monday, 17 April 2017

Take Control of Your Water Usage with Smart Controllers

wireless irrigation controllers

Smart controllers are becoming quite popular day by day duet to its efficiency and various benefits in today’s time. These controllers are far better than the conventional controllers for many reasons. These are automatic and these can help you save a lot of money along with water.

Watering your lawn is a cautious thing to do—as due to overwatering you may ruin a lot of plants as well it affects your budget with high water bills. Smart controllers like wireless irrigation controllers help you limit the use of water in different circumstances; which means, you only need to put water in the landscape as required.

There are a lot of benefits these smart controllers can provide you –

1.    Saves you money – As these smart controllers prevent overwatering, your water bill reduces and you don’t have to worry about spending plenty of money on your water bills.

2.    Saves water by reducing water waste – As the controllers are well adjusted with time and the weather, it can determine how much water is needed for the landscape. Thus it helps you save a lot of water.

3.    Gives you a beautiful landscape – The smart controllers can provide you beautiful landscape by providing optimal watering without over or under watering. Overwatering contributes to unhealthy plants.

4.    The convenience –
The smart controllers know exactly when to sprinkle your water and when not to. Take for example—you aren’t home for a few days and it has been raining. Your conventional sprinkler will keep watering your garden unless you switch it off; despite the fact that it has been raining. But, smart controllers always take a note of the weather and it won’t water your garden when it is raining or when it has already rained a few days back. The smart water sprinkler takes the weather into account before acting.

The smart water sprinklers are the best option when you want to take control of your water usage. All you need to do is you need to keep your smart controller updated with the weather of your place, the soil moisture and other few conditions. You need to adjust these things on your controller and the sprinkler will do its magic. Unlike conventional controllers, the smart controllers don’t rely on the timing alone. When the weather and other factors change, it works differently according to that change. There is a reason why we call these controllers “smart controllers”.

Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Types of Irrigation Timer or Controllers

Before you start watering your garden, don’t you think you should know about the types of irrigation controller or timer? Well, there are a few types of irrigation controller and timer available for you.

Let’s find those—

There are a few kinds of irrigation controllers. Some irrigation controllers are fully digital and some are basic irrigation controller.

Basic irrigation controller requires much attention as you have to make it work manually and it cannot detect the weather and change according to it. These are known as mechanical or solid state timers. You have to keep updating it on your own—whether it needs to be switched on or off or whether it should sprinkle more water or less. These timers are manually updated and switch its program according to the need. An electromechanical controller uses both an electric clock and mechanical switching. That is to say, they are made of a motor, wheels, dials, gears, and pins. The timers are really easy to operate. You can easily learn how to operate and control the programs of the controller. Although it is good enough, it isn’t as good as the Solid-state or the digital ones.

However, digital or irrigation controllers are much more advanced. These sprinklers are known as the solid state or digital timers. These timers are blessed with a digital readout screen, have no moving parts, and use integrated circuits for the clock, memory and control features. The best thing about solid state ones is that these are quite adaptable with the environment and the weather and most of the smart digital controllers like the android based irrigation controllers can adjust itself depending on the weather. If needed, it sprinkles more water and if not, it doesn’t sprinkle more water. It is also good for your pocket as it can save a lot of water bill for you.

There are more to these digital controllers. There are so many types of the same. Like—android based digital controllers, IPhone based controllers, solar based controllers, wireless retic controllers, and cloud based digital controllers and much more.

However, it completely depends on you which one is the best for you. Smart or digital controllers save a lot of your time and money for you in the long run. They are easy to operate and you don’t even have to wait keep operating it manually.

But smart controllers or basic controllers from the best place to buy “Valves Direct” which is no doubt the best of all.

Friday, 24 February 2017

Basic Things About Irrigation Controllers

WaterMe – Wireless Irrigation Controller

WaterMe – Wireless Irrigation Controller(Wireless Version)

An irrigation controller is the gadget that controls the sprinklers that water a landscape comprising of turf (grass), bushes or potentially blooms. Much like a fixture, the valves are opened to permit water to stream to the sprinklers and onto the landscape. The valves are then shut when the water to the landscape should be halted. The opening and shutting of the valves are controlled by the irrigation controller.

Conventional irrigation controllers turn valves on and off in light of at least one pre-customized plans. Fundamental data modified in the timetables incorporate begin time or times, which day(s) of the week and to what extent every valve should run and permit water to course through.

These calendars then continue to control the water stream without respect to what water is required by the plants and turf. This basically implies, similar to individuals and creatures, a landscape needs more water with hotter climate and the other way around.

These timetables might be balanced, however this includes a real individual rolling out the improvement at the gadget itself. Given this additional work and the way that climate can change much of the time, such timetable changes are made rarely, if by any stretch of the imagination. This implies customary irrigation controllers constantly water excessively, an abundant excess.

These sorts are regularly called brilliant controllers given how they hypothetically modify the measure of water is planned to run in light of climatic conditions. Such controllers can have a climate information source or soil dampness gadget straightforwardly appended to give the required information to change the irrigation plans. On the other hand these wireless irrigation controller can get climate information transmitted through some medium like a paging framework or some different remote technique.